Fantastic! And you're getting a subsidy....even mo fantastic!

Wife and I have had the good fortune to get overseas several times...even when you have to pick up part of the tab yourself it's still just enouh to tip the balance from "no way" to "let's go". Won't even mention the excellent opportunity for the kids to get out, experience World Culture and have a fond memory that will last a lifetime.

We put our names in the drawing for a trip to Wales at Celtic Fest...I guess we didn't win so we'll have to wait until we can go out on one of Derek's rigorous pub crawls with him. We have pretty much decided that the next big trip is to the UK...trouble is that I now have so many folks over there that I would like to stop and at least have a pint with that it might be an extensive tour.

Hope you can make all the stops that you want...
