So, last night after meeting Arrogcow, his spouse, and UtiliKris for our little Kilt Night, I scurried off to Shooters for my usual Saturday night of C/W dancing. I was dressed as seen in the photo-documentary post. The crowd last evening was unusual - a lot of unfamiliar faces, and I suppose most of them could be attributed to a new college school year.

On my way out around 1:30 a.m., I passed a woman who seemed really out of place. Shooters bar was definitely NOT her milieu (the shelter two blocks away seemed more appropriate). She expressed some surprise at my attire and informed me, "I asked someone, 'Why is that man dressed that way,'" gesturing to the place on the dance floor where I no longer was, "and he said, 'Because he can.'"

I have no idea who said this to her, but I am grateful that someone gets it.

Rex in Cincinnati