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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th July 06
    Greater Seattle Area
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    Cheap targe revisited

    Alright, well...
    I started the acquisition. 1 sheet of 1/2"X24"X48" plywood, 1 Stanley door pull (black, and scooped, my dirk seats into it nicely), 2 packs of #3 carpet tacks for attaching leather, coverings and whatnot, 3 packs of 7/16"X1/2" upholstery nails (antique brass finish), and 2 #10 1/2" screws (to attach the door pull). Now all I need is some leather (working out the details),and some Gorilla glue (it's supposed to be tough stuff, and probably better than anything else at my disposal). I still have yet to cut the wood... but that's a project for another day. First step was acquiring materials. Total cost so far: $18.12.
    Last edited by Andrew Green; 29th September 06 at 06:07 PM.


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