My thanks to those who provided the link to the UK scratch and dent site. I found just what I have been wanting and Tuesday after a call and an email. Uncle Otto found one just my size and cheaper than advertised. Thursday afternoon the UPS lady delivered a workman in caramel complete with beer gut feature to match my belly appropriately. Super service and shipping! I have wanted one since I saw a roofer in Portland wearing one. The 50% or more discount was the clincher. I put the unit on and did some yard work and had to go to town to complete some "HONEY-DOs." Favorable comments while out and about and Mrs. Irishrob had the neighbor lady, who is my kilt-adjusting seamstress, come over to check out my latest edition and addition to kiltishness. (Take that any way you want!!) Both of these redheads give it thumbs up.

Sure do like this first non-trad piece to go with my 14 5-9 yard tradtional kilts...just feels a little funny to wear a kilt like a pair of jeans. I might invest in a pair of heavy duty workman type suspenders to ensure that the kilt stays where it should while performing more strenuous activities.
