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  1. #21
    Join Date
    31st May 06
    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    I don't think anyone asked . . .

    Do you have any clan ties (if so, which ones)?

    Do you want a "universal" tartan (if so, what color pallet)?

    Many tartans have the basic colors of red, blue, and/or green. A few have others. Do you want a common tartan (like black watch or royal stewart-> VERY different pallets) or an uncommon one (like Scotland National) or one that used to be very common, but is now not as much (like Caledonia-> seen on me in the Hartwell pics, a mix of red, blue, green with black, white, and yellow).

    In short, pick one YOU like, but know what it is and what it means.

    I hear many, many good things about USA Kilts, and he is a pleasure to work with. For th buck, I'd go for them.
    Last edited by MacWage; 8th October 06 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Hit "post" before finished typing.


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