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  1. #1
    Panache's Avatar
    Panache is offline
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    Funny interaction at the Polls today

    My friend Gryphonaire is fond of saying "I wear a kilt and I vote!" So I decided to give it a try today. I went to my local polling place at my son's school in my Hunting Mcleod. The volunteers running the polls gave me smiles and a couple of thumbs up for my kilt. The older gentleman who assisted me was wearing a cap indicating he was retired Navy and sitting next to him was a young woman in her twenties. The gentleman said that he had seen me often, walking past his house with my children on our way to school each morning. He noted that you didn't often see kilts but that I looked good. He then looked at my kilt and then me and in a conspiratorial sort of voice inquired "don't ask?" I looked him square in the eye and said "don't tell." The young lady looked at him questioningly and he leaned over to whisper an explanation in her ear.

    She then looked at me like this

    I had to laugh.

    Have a good day all, and remember (USA X Markers) to get out there and vote!

    Last edited by Panache; 7th November 06 at 02:24 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand


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