Just two pictures to share, I'm afraid. The first is me with a few friends from the local Celtic society. The second is me limboing....

It was a fun time, and everyone who at least tried to limbo got a free dram of Glenfiddich's new rum-finished whiskey (or a special nonalcoholic drink if they preferred). I was pretty pleased that I got lower than anyone else...until this young buck who was a good ten years younger than me came walking up. We had extra kilts for people who wanted to try, so he suited up and gave it a whirl. I was holding my breath. He came soooo close to beating me, but in the end we tied. We were able to educate a few people about kilts and single malt. The guy who tied me ended up being a new convert to single malt. He spent a lot of time with our "resident expert", asking a million questions.

Afterward we all went out for BBQ - my first time sitting at a table where every single guy was kilted!