Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Taper View Post
Biggest issue right now is that the left front apron edge what to curl up. I'm hoping a good pressing will help that (yes? no?)
The curling edge is a minor irritation and can be fixed quite easily in wool. First, stand straight and smooth that edge of the apron down your leg. Determine where the edge should be and chalk it at the selvedge. Next, figure out if you need to move the apron edge of the deep pleat dip back a little to accommodate the new apron edge and, if so, remove only the leading half of the hem. Now, a little steam to release the current creases on the apron and dip. Re-chalk the apron flare from hip to selvedge and baste it with the "stretch and skew" technique you used earlier. Re-hem the dip. Press in new apron edge and dip.

Good luck and good look.

The kilt looks fantastic. Personally, I think these beautiful tartans cause people to overlook a lot of minor errors in the kilts we make. In that case, just make some more...! (Kilts, that is... )
