DISCLAIMER: Well, I dont know if this technically is the right place for this thread since I didn't do this work myself, but I wanted to get opinions from the DIY folks...

I had a standard sport coat altered for kilt length etc, but they didn't quite cut enough curve for the sporran as I requested. I think that had to do with a button hole in the way. At any rate, I'd like to get opinions on the cut and look of the jacket. Feel free to use a 1-to-10 scale with 1=worst & 10=best.

I really like the jacket overall, the material and fit etc, and though it was bought at GoodWill it is a very well made jacket. BUT... I've mixed feelings about the alteration for the kilt. So I'm either gonna be really pissed that I had a good looking coat butchered, or very pleased that I have an excellent new kilt jacket...

Two big questions: Should the pocket flaps be moved? Should I try and get a more severe cut to accomodate the sporran?

I penciled in some red lines to show the pocket flaps which were not moved, and the buttons and button-holes...

...compared to my storebought daywear kilt jacket below:

Sock it to me boys...and ladies, too, of course. Dont be shy!