wi' the holidays fast approachin'...

ai thoucht ai'd dig oop this auld classic Scots recipe....

"Scottish Fruitcake Recipe"

Ya'll need the followin':

* 1 C water
* 1 C sugar
* 4 large aiggs
* 2 C dried fruit
* 1 tsp. bakin' soda
* 1 tsp. salt
* 1 C broon sugar
* lemon juice
* nuts
* 1 FULL bottle of yur favorite whisky (single malts arr best)

Sample the whisky tae check fur quality.... Tak a muckle bowl...

Check the whisky again tae bae sure that it is o' the highest quality....Pour 1 level cup and drink...Repeat. ...

Turn oan the electric mixer; beat 1 C o' butter in a muckle flooffy boowl.

Add yin wee tsp sugar and beat again... Mak sure the whisky is still alricht..... Cry anither tup.... Turn aff the mixer.... Break twa legs an add tao the bowl an chuck in the cup o' dried fruit....

Mix oan the turner.... If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterrers, pry it loose wi' a drewscriver.... Sample the whisky to check for tonsisticity. ...

Next, shift 2 cups o' salt. ...arr somethin'.... waa cares....

Check the whisky..... Noo sift the lemon juice an' strain yur nuts... add yin table.... Spoon... o' sugar arr somethin'... White'er ya can fin'....

Grease the oven weel... Turn the cake tin tae 350 degrees.... Dinnae forget tae beat aff the turner. ...Throw the bowl oot the windee... Check the whisky again....

Gae tae bed.... crawlin' if neshisharrry....

nay buddy likes fruitcike anywhoo.....