Taking the road to Carlisle south from Hawick much evidence remains of the Border Reivers, and one of the first tower houses which the sharp eyed passenger in a car or bus will spot from the road is Goldielands Tower, (centre of picture) which stands on a hillside overlooking the River Teviot just a mile and a half south of Hawick.
A perfect destination for a Sunday morning walk with low winter sunshine and a light frost.
Once the track had risen above the tree line I encountered this heilan' coo who seemed fascinated by my kilt.
The tower was a 16th century stronghold of the Scotts of Buccleuch, and even today is still owned by the present Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, head of the name and arms of Scott, though the tower now forms part of a more modern farm.
The tower has lost its roof and parapet. Its last inhabitant, Wattie Scott, is said to have been hanged over its gate for the marauding and treasons of a reiver's career. Note traces of a gable of a low building which was once attached to the north face of the tower.