Greetings one and all - from Northern Virginia/DC - new to the forum and (relatively) new to the kilt. Recently picked up a medium weight (13 oz. 6 yard) MacKay (in honor of some relatives on my father's mother's side) to wear to a formal work-related event in Chicago. Will never again wear a tuxedo! Thought there would be others there but nope; in a ballroom containing perhaps a thousand people I was the only kilted one there! Got lots of admiring looks and a few requests for pictures (wore my father in law's PC and black tie; the jacket fit like it was made for me!)

Wore it also while entertaining the extended family for Thanksgiving and will probably bring it while traveling this Christmas.

Any kilted evenings planned in the DC/NoVa area over New Year's Eve?

Count me in!

Doug Brouder
Fairfax, VA