It's time to bottle my Amnesia Olde Ale - actually, I should have bottled a few weeks ago.

The first pic is my setup of sanitized bottles, carboy ready to rack to the bottling bucket and a surprise! When I got my bottles out, I found a full, 22 oz. bottle of a brew I made a year ago, or maybe two? It is a Spiced Holiday Ale and tasted yummy!

The pic I took of racking (siphoning) from the carboy was out of focus, ah well. This next one is me bottling from the bucket. It has a valve at the end of the cane that opens by pushing up.

Me and my bounty. (30 and a half 16 oz. bottles and three 22 oz. bottles.) It has a nice carmelly, malty flavor with a nice hop bite. It will be at least 2 months until this is ready to drink. Hmmm, that's when my Matt Newsome MacDonald of Glencoe box pleat is due. I shall toast a hand made with a home made !!