My pal and his wife called around yesterday as we had'nt seen each other over Christmas and New Year. We exchanged our presents. His pres to me was a bottle of 12yr old Tamnavulin. No doubt P1M will know more, but there was once a distillery making 'Tamnavulin', in the village of Tomnavulin (nr Tomintoul). We stumbled upon it when we were out on tour with the band many many years ago, and since have always tried to get it and keep a bottle at home. Aparently (so I was told) it went out of business several years ago and you could'nt get it any more. We have'nt had a bottle for several years either. Its pure night nectar by the way. My mate bought it in France earlier in the year and kept it for me. Dunno how it landed up there .. Perhaps they are back in business again .. Highly recommended though, if any one does see a bottle on there travels .. Anyhow a couple of pics
The proud owner
Acouple of close-ups
Iechyd Da