Just finished an S. J. Perelman book whose titile I cannot remember. Before that it was Great Expectations and The Red Badge of Courage.
Since I teach several courses, I read all the time. And I read of lot of the classics. I even read The Iliad last semester.
For fun I have a Celtic Mythology book next to the bed. I also have classes reading--and therefore I am reading along--The Catcher in the Rye, The Fellowship of the Ring, and will soon issue The Fountainhead.
My favorite writer is Pat Conroy because I think he's the best writer on earth (since Bill Shakespeare bought the farm). But I read just about anything, and I read all the time.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.