Here are some pics of me and my 4 kids taken in the highlands of Northwest Illinois. All kitted out in Gordon Modern.
Me and me 4 beauties
My son James and me. James was wearing kilts to high school before I even thought of buying a kilt for myself. He's a member of X-Marks (Seamus - inactive) with some really quirky posts. He's my inspiration and hero, an I just finished a jacket conversion for him as well as gave him that fine sporran I made (not the one he's wearing here, God forbid).
Here are James and Megan, my eldest. Both half Celtic, half Italian, but Meg Identifies with the Itie side more.
James had a swingin' time. Should this be on the Kilting Do's and Don'ts thread?
Some views over Irish Hollow, Jo Daviess County.
I love my kids, and the family farm.