I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal that got me curious. It was written by a former black watch member complaining about the kilt shortage in the army. In his article, he commented that the black watch tartan is a modified Campbell tartan. When my wife and I visited Scotland a few years ago, we encountered a number of people who were still pissy about the black watch and its tartan given the history of involvement in the clearances and persecution of many scottish people.

This got me thinking for several reasons. Either the Campbell clan colluded with the English and therefore get the "honor" of a modified version of their tartan being used to finish the job on the rest of the clans during the clearances. Or, the Campbell clan tried to save their lands and titles and were forced to help the English. Or...the English just happened to pick the Campbell tartan for their black watch tartan.

Anyway, if anyone has some insight into this now-decorated military tartan, I would be interested in knowing the answer.