Whilst I am probably the most conservative bluff old traditionalist around here (), far be it from me to tell someone they're "wrong" about something...I will be honest & truthful when asked my opinion...but I would never dare to send someone an PM like this person has..."We're all Jock Tamson's Bairns", after all.

That being said, I think MacWage & others are correct in pointing out the difference between a clan society and a clan. In the US, there are plenty of "fun" organizations like the MacBubbas, the MacFritzers, etc. who are having fun with Scottish heritage and that's great. Here we are free to start whatever group we choose (as long as it does not threaten the sovereignty of the Republic), so why shouldn't kiltedcossack start his own "clan"? He won't get "official recognition" from the Lord Lyon, but somehow I have a feeling that's not what's he's after here. We're talking about two entirely different creatures.

