Well, I originally mentioned this on this thread, but I have been so impressed with my own success I wanted to put it in its own thread.

Here is the original fabric:

Not much to work with, and I was not sure how I would pleat it up.

Here is me doing a fitting on the future wearer:

And she is obviously happy about the kilt!

Sewn up and ready for the waistband. Note that I was able to pleat to the "sett", or at least to show as much of Dora and Boots as I could. I am happy with the look, and the pleats are pretty symmetrical in both reveal and depth. I did waste some material on the overapron. I really wanted to have Dora centered on the aprn, so I had to sacrifice about 6-8 inches of material to accomplish that. Of course, I onlt bought a yard of double width material, so I also had to bury a seam in a pleat to make the required length. Can you tell where?

And modeling the final product, just before bedtime. Is she a ham or what?