I've just returned from yet another trip to Victoria, visiting "Laird and Lady" Ashton. I picked up my Freedom Kilts kilt shirt so hang on boys and girls, here we go!!

The KiltedKnome presents me with the shirt. I'd like to thank my wife, the academy......

Next up, you can see why this shirt is GUARANTEED to stay tucked in.

Properly adjusted, finally.

Now, a shot of the cuff detail I had embroidered.

Will this garment stand up to a "Hamish"? YOU BET!

And even the extremely difficult double mirror image "Hamish". Also note in this pic (and the previous ones) I'm wearing my new SWK Saffron, the new Drebo tam and a just purchased Kidder lace sporran.

And lastly, his lairdship, "It's NOT a skirt!!"

Well, there you have it. Some of these will be duplicated on the Freedom Kilts site. Thanks for taking the time to go through these and all comments and/or suggestions will be appreciated.
