I ended up going too late to catch the haggis. Anyway, got there about 8, and not a lot going on (looked like a usual night), and only saw a couple of other kilts (other than staff).

However, they must have been hiding well, because about 8:30 they got everyone wearing a kilt up for a pic.

I don't think anyone else is an XMark member, but that's me in the tweed jacket in front.

Note on the gentleman in the PC with the horsehair sporan behind me. His kilt was the first time I have seen one pleated in the military knife/box pleat. Wow that is so cool, I must have a kilt pleated that way, and soon.

About 15 min later Rex showed up so here are the two of us doing our best Hamish (mirror version - how's that for complex).

I had already eaten, so no haggis for me (was on the menu, not just piped in and sampled), but had a fantastic triffle.

The band was also good, but I don't remember their name.
