My children love watching a PBS show called, Liberty Kids. For those of you with out children, it is about three young Journalist that work for Benjamin Franklins printing shop. My daugher was learning about the Revolutionary war in school, so we borrowed a couple of episodes from the public library. One of the episodes was a story of John Paul Jones, the Scottish navel officer/Father of the American Navy. Although JPJ did not wear a kilt, there was one scene in which a member of the crew was either wearing a kilt or trewes, I couldnt make it out but the Scottish brogh (is that spelled correctly) or accent was thick. My 8 year old son Anakin, also has to do a book report on a famous American, and was approved to write about John Paul Jones. We are going to buy my son a sextant to go along with his project. Anakin is very excited but I don't think I can get him to wear his kilt for the presentation.