Today was my last day on my current job.

The two head managers of my current workplace apparenly saw me in my kilt a few days ago. They figured I was either Scottish or gay.... hence today began a berate attack againsed me being Scottish, and wearing kilts. I took the beating for awhile, then left quietly. I then called my boss who is straight above me. A younger girl about my age who is my manager. I expressed the uncomfortable position I was placed in, and that I had BiPolar disorder and that I was close to just "blowing up" in the head manager's faces. So I left. She understood completly. I expressed that I was indeed in fact quite Scottish on my mother's side and that I was not going to take that kind of abuse. I also said that I was not gay, that I was indeed also a Christian and everything to the like. She said that she understood completly, and being that uncomfortable in the workplace would cause me not to be able to function that I did not need to be working there. And then she said to call her if I felt I could work there. I left it from there. My mom being Scottish herself is very upset with the managers, and does not believe I need to be working there.