I just watched Rob Roy for the first time, and I quite enjoyed it. I couldn't seem to find a pre-existing thread about it, so I decided to start my own, and share my thoughts.

It was pretty brutal and violent, but I suppose that's what the times were like. Overall I thought the acting was great, which goes without saying I guess. Liam Neeson, Brian Cox and John Hurt are all some of my favourite actors, though I really can't stand Jessica Lange. The story was good without being too hard to follow. The costumes and sets were generally pretty good. I especially liked the Duke of Argyle's outfit. I did think the set where Rob and Archie duel looked a bit "cardboard and styro", though. In the end, alltogether a good film.

So how accurate was it? I've heard some people say that Rob Roy was just a bandit, not some kind of hero (though in the film he does admit to stealing cattle). I've also read that the kilts worn by the Scots in this movie weren't authentic. Most of the sources I've found can't seem to agree on when the Scots started wearing pleated kilts, so maybe some of the kiltmakers and historians can clear that up for me. Any thoughts and opinions would be great!
