You learned to speak the language of the crochet hook-I can only dream of doing that. I can do many things but that evades me (along with the piano).
I have the confidence that you can do it. Do we need an 'angry iconoclastic fashionista?' Damn straight the world needs that. I find it hard to get good clothes that fit and look good-I'm 50, only 5' 10" and 200lbs! My wife finds it hard to find clothes for an ample sized, 5' 8" tall woman! We need somebody that listens with his heart, rather than the "if I make it (no matter how cr@ppy it is) they will wear it" approach.
Set time aside to study. Good lighting, large surface to write/spread notes around, refreshments handy. Don't study for long periods-get up and walk around every 40-50 minutes. Keep some highlighters handy. Make notes if that helps.
If you put your mind and heart to it, you can do it!
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
Statement made by pink winged pony
with crossed axes tattooed on her rump