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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st April 05
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    Nevermind the bollocks here's the baby rockstar

    My wife and I just got back from her first ultrasound appointment. Everything looks great, the baby’s developing “right on schedule” and both Wendi and baby are doing well. This is our first child and we're both very excited.

    In fact, the ultrasound tech remarked (several times) on just how active the little bugger is. Wendi and I both swore that the baby was doing a jig, dancing around inside of her. Suddenly, the baby seemed to realize it was being watched and embarrased that it was all "caught on tape", he or she shook its tiny little fist as if to say, "Hey you, get outta my womb!". I didn't expect to see the baby move around so much but apparently that's a good sign, so rock on little Declan or Sara Roisin.

    We weren’t able to find out the sex of the baby because by the time the tech got to measuring around the groin and the legs, the baby curled up and seemed to go to sleep. We're going back in two weeks for another ultrasound, so hopefully we’ll find out then.

    Here's a pic:

    Last edited by MacSimoin; 15th February 07 at 07:10 PM.

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