Well, I will agree that too many kids are left to themselves for too many hours in front of the boob tube. However, I see many replies here that reflect my own opinions before I had kids. I too thought Barney was the most annoying character ever to be dreamed up by commercial TV. However, I now have 2 incredible little girls who are the light of my life. And while I still find Barney a bit annoying, if you are honest and open-minded, it is a very good show and teaches good lessons to the kids. Much better than some of the fluff out there. And while I wish I could devote 24 hours a day to my kids, the reality is that I can't. Even if I did not have to work and sleep, I still need to have some time to myself, as does my wife. Television does not replace taking care of your kids, as some parents seem to think, but some shows can provide education and entertainment for the kids.