So I'm taking an Intercultural Communication class this semester. I figured as I intend to travel abroad, it would be a worthwhile class. For this week, we were told to brush up on our heritage, and give a brief talk over our own heritage in front of the class.

I was prepared to do mine Wednesday, not today. Of course, I opened my mouth to speak to another student, and the professor took that as me volunteering to speak, so my talk was more or less impromptu.

So I spoke briefly on my Scottish and Irish background, mentioned that I own and wear kilts occasionally (I've not yet worn one this semester), and that I'll be starting on the pipes this week.

The best part of course were the comments that the professor asked everyone make and pass to the speaker.

A couple samples - most of which were from the ladies

"Interesting presentation. You need to wear your kilt! "
"Very interesting. You should wear your kilt "
". . . and the kilt will look good."

It's funny though, I didn't expect quite so many positive comments from this class especially, in a hick town in Kentucky.