If you saw this post from a while back, you know I've been looking for a good, inexpensive kilt belt I could use with the kilt buckles I already had (and would like to interchange), which have a 1.5" buckle ring.

Quote Originally Posted by Richland View Post
I have modified Belt Buckles with a wider wire loop for wide leather with Heavy duty coat hanger wire. Works Fine. Takes abot 15 min just remove the old loop and bend the coat hanger wire to the required shape and insert in to the back of the buckle.
First, I tried a coat hanger fix that allowed me to use the buckle in that post with a 2.25" kilt belt, but it popped off the buckle a couple of times. I next tried a fix by making a couple of small slits in the leather of the belt to fit the 1.5" buckle ring. That fix worked fine, except that it damaged the relatively inexpensive belt. And the belt was still black, and didn't match the comfortable Doc Martens oxfords, or the hiking boots, just the less-comfortable black square-toe loafers.

Quote Originally Posted by Moosedog View Post

If you'd like to use that buckle on a wider belt, it should be possible to make/have made a belt that is narrower just at the buckle area but wider everywhere else. If it is made precisely to fit you it should look great.

Here's the result of my quest to find a 2" belt that could accomdate my very small collection of favorite buckles. I went back the place where I got the buckle, and eventually, they put me in touch with their belt-maker, who made this belt for me

Here it is on容xcuse the self-timer photo (with youngest in backpack)

Here's the not-not buckle end, showing the taper to fit through the buckle ring

Here's the buckle end with keeper.

I'm really pleased with it (I've finally got a brown belt I can wear with my brown shoes), though I think if I were to get another, I'd ask for a wider keeper strip (it's 1/4" now), maybe 1/2", and also ask for another keeper strip for symmetry on the left side (looking down) of the buckle.

I've written the craftsman who made the belt to tell him how pleased I am with it, and encouraged him to check out X-Marks, in case there are more members in my situation: with some nice buckles that won't fit their kilt belts.

Let me know what you all think! (and thanks, Moosedog, for the idea)