Folks... ScottinNewHampshire came up with this idea, and will be doing some foot woork to convince a couple local pubs to offer some discounts for kilted gents.

Friday, April 6, 2007, is Tartan Day. Being a Friday, it's also a wonderful day for spending some grand time at a pub enjoying drinks with like minded people. For that very reason, Scott and myself have collaberated on the following...

On Tartan Day, we hope to have an official Kilt Night at The Coat of Arms and/or The Rusty Hammer in downtown Portsmouth, NH. This weekend, Scott will be paying the managers of each establishment a visit, clad in kilt, to pursuade them to join in on this festive occasion. I've suggested he talk them into half price pints, all night, for any kilted gent, but he's suggested a kilted gent's first pint be free. Frankly, either would be a step in the right direction.

Anyway... the plans are afoot. Who's with us?