I've been hanging out and posting a bit but I thought that it was about time to introduce myself.

I'm from beamsville ontario and not exactly new to kilting but new to serious kilting

I spend alot of my summer weekends in Kincardine where evey Saturday night the Kincardine Scottish Pipe band marches down main street. I have been a big fan of Pipe music since I was a wee lad and have brought my children up to apreciate it as well. My son made my grandmother very happy last summer by wearing my mothers kilt to the parade one night. He said it wasn't too bad but he preferes jeans ( i cant even get him into shorts in the summer!)

I have recently gotten serious about kilting when one of my fellow paintballers suggested wearing one to paintball and a bunch of us got onto the bandwagon and started researching. I have ordered my first kilt just yesterday and several others are ordering verry soon. we hope to unveil our new uniforms when we play the weekend after May 24!

the coolest thing so far is that I don't expect any trouble from my employer about sporting my kilt @ work!

Hope to meet some of my fellow Xmarkers soon, at a Kilt night or at fergus as I plan on not missing the games this year!!