This is an email I wrote to "Scotland On TV" and their wonderful response...SO POST HERE WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE ON TV ABOUT KILTS AND YOU MAY GET YOUR WISH!!!


The newest show about kilts was S math sin! Thanks for that.
I sent out an email to all the guys on the the kilt forum
"" and they were appreciative as well.

Will there be any more production, say on "kilt making"
"kilt wearing" etc...??? I agree with Howie that it is
important to keep the kilt alive and inform more people
about its proper place in society today.

Yours in pleats,
Slainte mhor!

Jonathan Walden
Convener of Clan Shaw
for Georgia


"Jonathan - our eyes have been opened!

We certainly plan to make more programming about kilts. I've been in and out of your forum over the last week or so and like the way you guys are so passionate about kilts!

Would love it if you'd let us know more about what you'd most like to see about kilts - why not start a thread and see what the members think? Or would you let us get into dialogue about what we might film next?"



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