When you're a kilted man

I got myself a Myspace a while ago, but never looked at it again and I didn't update my profile...I only added a kilted picture of myself.

This is the result.......an email from a 28 years old lassie

hey, how's it going!

So, looks like the time has arrived for me to start using this site. I can resist no longer! I wandered into your profile and well, I liked what I saw.. ;p

Sooo my name is AXXXXXX. I think you and I should probably be friends, cause you seem pretty nice, and possibly cute! (it's everso tough to tell in this digital world

anyway, i'd go on and on, but I wanna get a response from you.. You should check out my other profile on this other site, I'm always on over there: link to a dating site (my username is xxxxxxxxxxxxx). Then maybe we could chat sometime! you know what they say.. appearance catches the eyes, but personality catches the heart.. haha..

talk to you soon,

I feel 10 feet tall of course