Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
As I no longer drink alcohol I'd much prefer to do something interesting with my Saturday rather than sit around in a pub all afternoon AND evening. If we met a week earlier on the 19th we could spend the afternoon at the pipe band championships in Dumbarton and that would still leave plenty time for a bite to eat early evening, possibly at the Pot Still, and then a pub, with soft drinks for those of us who have to leave early and drive home, and the hardcore drinkers can stay on later at the pub.
That's no problem. I rarely drink any alcohol othern than whisky for special occasions. My father's a recoverin alcoholic and we tend to only really drink alcohol-free beer in my family.

If anyone prefers the Pipe bands I think that's a great idea.
I'll try to figure a few things out for people who will have to sat overnight and re-post.
Then, perhaps, if anyone couldn't make it maybe we can have something else in Glasgow the next weekend.