Dread, as others have said, you're on the right track.

There are different categories of jobs, and the same job would fall into different categories for different people.

There are the jobs you hate, but for whatever reason you feel you can't quit. My advice for this type of job is to get out as soon as you can. They will only lead to self destruction.

Then there are jobs that you don't really have any feelings about. You just go in and do them. There's nothing really wrong with these jobs, as long as you have something else in your life to bring you joy.

There are jobs that you are good at, but don't really inspire you. Just because you have a talent for something, doesn't mean you want to make a living at it. My current job is like that. I'm real good at it, but sometimes it gets a bit tedious. It pays pretty well though. I developed the attitude many years ago that this isn't my life, it's how I PAY for my life. I plan to retire as soon as I am eligible though.

Finally, there are those jobs that really bring you joy. If a person finds a job like that, they are truly blessed. I haven't found that job yet, because even if I like something, once I'm doing it to support myself, it becomes a JOB.

If a person has a job in any category but the last one, he absolutely has to have something else in his life: family, friends, hobbies, whatever.

Good luck Dread. I hope you've found your joy.