Last night we had a staff meeting at my part-time gig, the cooking school. Afterwards many of us meet up at a little bar that just happened to be between the school & my place. That was convenient for me. I am about to order a house red & this guy comes up & says “Man! I love the kilt. Let me buy you a drink.” “Thanks” I say, “I was just about to order a Cabernet” He says “No, no, no. Let me get you an Irish car bomb.” I raised one eyebrow like Mr. Spock. He yells at the bartender & a minute later I am presented with a pint glass filled a little less than ˝ way with Guinness & a shot of Baileys Irish cream. We drop the shot glass into the beer, then chug! It was a touch sweeter than I normally like my beer, but it was FREE! And I got a very quick buzz.

The power of the kilt!