Quote Originally Posted by gilmore View Post
The original poster's motivation was set out in her post to which you responded. Her surname, her maiden name, is the same as the place names in question.

<<<Nor do I understand the motivation behind your desire to withhold information from a person seeking it.>>>

That is a bald mistatement. I simply question the wisdom that line of inquiry.
Call it what you like and question it all you will. The fact of the matter is that she was seeking information, which I supplied, to which response you've clearly and openly reacted in a negative manner. Again and again and again, ad nauseum.

Look at my original post. Please see I quoted the young lady's comment about not being able to locate a PLACE. Please see I then supplied her with information about that PLACE. I even commented that the PLACE had some 20th century significance. Please see I made no comment or suggestion about any PERSON or FAMILY, only about the PLACE.

I've no idea if you are incapable of comprehending those facts, or if you are simply choosing to be petulant. In either case, the problem is your own and not mine. I leave you to deal with it by whatever means you prefer.