Another left hander here. The only thing I do right handed is play the pipes. Actually that way of holding the pipes seemed most natural to me when I first started anyway. I guess maybe they're a left handed instrument by design. Also a reenactor/rendezvouser. I have a Dutch trade musket that I shoot right handed. It's a bit puzzling, but I tend to do better than I do when I try it left handed.
As far as kilts go, no problems at all with modern style kilts, or even the old style fileadh beagh. When I wear a great kilt at an event I usually wrap it opposite of what a righthander would, and draw the plaid over my right shoulder, since that would leave my sword arm free. Most folks who even notice the difference figure I wear the plaid on that side because of the pipes. I've noticed the drones do sit on the shoulder better without the plaid under them.
All skill and effort is to no avail when an angel pees down your drones.