Last Sunday was my first day kilted all day. Went to church, and a walk down town. Some expected jokes form some friends at church but mostly compliments. Walking down town with the family surprisingly i did not get many strange stares, had one woman in a shop ask what the occasion was to which i simply replied, "Its hot today." and she laughed at that. (was in my UK original btw.)
Last night was our comunity wide youth group event, to which i attend since i am a youth volunteer. Wore my SWK BW, my new sporran and newly dyed belt. Great success, one of the band members saw the kilt and said "wow you're my new favorite person!" Thought that was cool. When i changed at work I stepped back into the bank to show off a little, a buddy said " you are one brave man!"
Over all kilted experience: Mucho Gusto!