Dear Sirs and Madams:
I don’t want to hijack this thread but I have a question for any piper with Dunbar plastic pipes.
I have been told that since Dunbar’s are fashioned on the old Henderson design and, as such, large bored they might not be good for a beginner. That they would take so much air that an inexperienced player would be taxed and unable to focus on playing.

I have been playing practice chanter, with a teacher, for 5 months and am thinking about buying my first set of pipes. My teacher recommends Blackwood and that’s OK with me too but I will be playing for own amusement and would like something I could toss in the truck and take on camping trips. I don’t necessarily want 2 sets of pipes at this time.
Any advice would be appreciated. If you know of a discussion forum, similar to this one for Pipes, please let me know.
Thanks for your help
Best Regards –Andy