I'm looking around at different kilt weights and I was wondering what you guys felt was the lightest weight you would wear in cool or cold weather. I live in TN for the time being and it doesn't get horribly cold here, but I don't think I can wear my Sport Kilt or phillabeg in December. Is a 16 oz weight fabric (the frugal corner) apppropriate?

During the cold months I essentially wear my What Price Glory kilt nearly every day since it's the heaviest. I want a 2nd cool weather kilt, but I don't want to drop another 300$ for a new kilt this coming Autumn or Winter. I just want something wearable and warm enough that I can switch to it on ocassion for the sake of variety.

Surprisingly, the people in town actually recognize when I wear the same tartan several days of the week. I was really happy when Summer rolled around, just so I could have more variety.