OK, here we go.. After waiting a couple of week for my check to reach mark and for my kilts to arrive. They were here this afternoon when I got home from work. It was just like Christmas...

I will start with the 13 oz. Kilt in Wallace Tartan size 44. It has 20 pleats, 1" wide and 3 3/4" Deep. It also includes three 1" belts and buckets. The price was $45.00.

The 16 oz. Kilt in Hunting Stewart Tartan size 44. It has 33 pleats, 7/8" wide and 3 3/4" Deep. It also includes three 1 1/2" belts and buckets. The price was $68.00.

I am going to make this short because I have a meeting to night shortly. I love the 16 oz it feels great and hangs very nice. For the $23.00 difference go for the 16 oz. But if you are on a budget the 13 oz is quite a deal at $ 45.00. But I prefer the 16 oz becuase it has the 8" sewn down pleats. Large hardware.

I am wearing the 16 oz. out tonight and will post pics later. If, as we say in Florida "ya'll" have any question please post and I will be happy to reply later. I also got a sporran, I will save it for another thread. Thanks Mark !!
