hey guys this is prolly not the most inteligent post on here haha but im just curious to know on an average day, what do most of you do kilted? im still in highschool so really all i wear mine for is school band concerts(play drums), my own band's concerts(play guitar and sing) and hopefully soon to be pipe band concerts(snare if things go right haha) ya i guess you can say im into music...hell who am i kidding its my life...but anyway ya that and funerals weddings whatever else calls for formal attire. but ive noticed(believe it or not) that wearing my kilt is incredebly confortable, good looking and scores chicks at my concerts haha so i wanna start breaking the kilt into everyday use but im curious as to what you guys do in your kilts on a day to day basis...as well as how practicall they are for your situations..thanks for the help dudes