first off, did you know there's a tartan for the capercaillie?

What's a capercaillie? It's a bird that used to be very common throughout the northern UK, but through the centuries-old process of habitat loss, hunting and so on, is now quite seriously threatened. Those articles are a good read, up above and the tartan is gorgeous, if you ask me.

That will tell you more about the bird.

Now, on to my REAL question, which is about Scottish forests.

Once upon a time, most of Scotland was covered in forest. The Highlands, or much of them, were not as we know them now, barren grass but rather were well spotted with trees. The Lowlands were thick with oak and larch and beech tree forests. Over the centuries these have been cut down to make room for farms, supply raw material to burn in fctories, make ships and so on. there's a famous edict from an English queen...I'm going to forget the name, which stated that English Oaks were to be dedicated to the bulding of ships, and Scottish Oaks were to be burned in factories....

..or something along those lines.

Anyway, the Caledonian Forest was an amazing and wondrous environment, in the 1500's and 1600's and earlier of course. My understanding is that it's now mostly gone, ony a few hundred acres of what approximates the old forest remain, and those acres are widely scattered, with no easy way for animals and plants to travel and spread the little remaining genetic diversity..

However, there IS work going on to restore more forest land in Scotland...

My question to our Scottish this movement anything that the general public is aware of? The "Restore the Caledonian Forest" a cause that any number of people are getting behind, or is it kind of a fringe thing?