Something that bugs me is when someone assumes powers that they have no right to. In this case I will discuss clothes as a metaphor for what I am actually talking about.

It started like this, a teenage girl from low land Scotland said that people who were not from Scotland could not wear the kilt. So what exactly is going on here? So what is a kilt, what is it’s meaning and why can’t I wear one?
A kilt is a knee length pleated skirt often made of tartan material worn by men in the Scottish Highlands.
The meaning of the tartans is simple, each pattern has a name and Highland Clan Chieftains have chosen certain patterns to be worn by their Clan. Now there are tartan patterns used by several un-related Clans and other patterns not adopted by any Clan. Therefore the tartan has either very very little meaning or absolutely no meaning whatsoever. For example there is a pattern called Craig and I am a Craig so this is my tartan right? Wrong, the last Chieftain of Clan Craig died in 1647 and the Craig pattern never existed before 1985, therefore it could never have been adopted by our Chieftain, thus is not official.
This is the same story with each and every other part of Scottish Regalia, either very little meaning or absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Got it?
So why can’t I wear a kilt and who is this person that says that I can not? The thinking is thus Coats of Arms are protected by special courts and which pattern is chosen by Clan Chieftains is recorded by the same guys. So “Clan Tartans” are protected by these courts right? Uh, no. Two problems, a tartan pattern is not a coat of arms and these courts have zero authority to protect anything except C. of A. and these courts have zero legal authority under European Union law anyway. Got it? None.
Lastly who is this girl anyway? Well as a Lowland Scot, she has zero connection to the Highlanders and as a group they look down on kilt wearing Highlanders. So here is a member of group “A,” un-connected to group “B” (that they look down on) claiming to have power and authority that nobody in group B, nor anybody else on Earth, actually has.
So I can wear a kilt, of whatever pattern tartan I so please, anywhere on Earth without fear of being dragged into court. Got it? Well she doesn’t get it.

I am not talking about kilts here, I am talking about an attitude that people can interfere with other people, if you think