Dog meets Skunk - Advice?
Took the dog out last night before bed .... once outside he goes nuts and runs down into a wooded area (have about 2 acres of heavy woods on my property) and I can hear all kinds of commotion in the deep dark wood ... grab a flash light run down to save my buddy from the unknown beast.
The unknown beast turns out to be a SKUNK! And being a skunk, he did what comes naturaly to skunks when they meet a dog in the woods at night. Needless to say the smell is beyond the word 'pungent'! Several baths have helped, but you can smell this stuff everwhere in the yard and even in the house now.
Anyone run into this before? I am looking for advice in getting the smell out of the dog (and yard and house) - not just covering it up.
If I get a chance I may end up with a Skunk Sporran sometime this weekend ... errrrr
"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."
- Franklin P. Adams