Here is the letter that my regional clan chieftain received from the Caledonian Club. Oh well that did not work. The Vote was 48 to 2 against having any Groups stylizing themselves as "Irish"clans from Participating in the Pleasanton Games this Labor Day weekend. They went on to blame the Irish for lowering the attendance at the smaller games as we were making it seem like a celtic faire instead of the Highland Games.They then returned our check . As a clan chieftain I am not particularly caring if we have a table but this stinks on Ice we have particiapted at those games for almost 25 years.

My request is that anyone attending wear an Irish themed tartan at the Games this year to show your support. We are after all brothers are we not?
I thank you in advance. This is not an attempt at causing trouble but a plea for your support as Clan Cian has always supported and been a participant of the Highland Games