A local editor of a small town newspaper who fancies himself as a humor writer did a piece as follow-up to the story AP picked up on in Fargo, ND. Those of you not familiar with that story can access the Fargo Forum site. Seems a young man got inebriated on the eve of his wedding and, whilst wearing a kilt, flashed passing motorists and engaged in a sexual act with a woman. The police arrived and the man and his 'partner' were arrested. This follow-up piece, 'That'll Get You Kilt', was done in his regular "That's Life" column and was published in several regional papers. The writer is Tony Bender, editor of the Ashley Tribune, Ashley, ND.http://www.ashleynd.com/thatslife.htm

Read and decide for yourself. And those of you that have already responded, you are right. The man is/was an idiot and were it not for him wearing a kilt likely would not have received a second glance. But the follow-up piece contains little humor and deserves a few emails directed at Mr. Bender. I have sent mine. I would encourage others to do the same.