Once a month, we meet a bunch of friends for breakfast at a local restaurant, and today was the August meeting.

So, my girl friend asks "You going to wear your kilt?"

"Do you think I should", I asked?

"It's up to you."

"Don't kid me, you want me to wear it," I told her. So I wore my new SWK Black Watch to breakfast...at a country and western restaurant. Got some funny looks, and heard one old lady go "OH MY GOD" as I walked through the restaurant.

One of the group showed up late and told the hostess she was meeting a group of people. The waitress asked her "Is one of them wearing a kilt?

Later on, one of the guys told me he needed a good kilt. I referred him to Stillwater or Frugal Corner kilts. I also gave him the web address for XMarks.