Okay so I have a parental unit...(aka my mom) who has decided that I MUST get my senior photo taken for this monumental period of my life documented via photographs. That said I pretty much get the say of what I get to wear/where they are taken so I thought what the heck, why not get a kilted one while I'm doing this. I mean I'll have the average banjo playing one, random pic of me by a body of water and the killer "OH MY WORD HE'S IN A KILT!!!" picture. There is only one problem to this venture, I don't really have the outfit for it. I have a five yard wool kilt that I got from Kiltedfirepiper and a pair of ghillies, white hose and flashes from USAK and a belt with a buckle, but that just doesn't scream dressy to me. I wear the outfit once in a while with friends et all, but does anyone know of a way I could get it to "pop?" Would it be worth investing in a vest w/the same tartan and wearing that or does anyone know where abouts a cheap Argyle coat can be found (other than Evilbay?)

Jim H.

P.S. Does anyone know of a awesome place to get a kilted photo in SE WI?